I have stated before that it sounds like a score for an epic movie like a Lord of the Rings type movie. I have to admit I like the music too myself and I'm not ashamed to say it. Just because an organization is corrupt, manipulative, exploitative, deceitful, etc doesn't mean you have to be ashamed to admit that one of their songs has good music. Saying you like one of their songs doesn't mean you're now endorsing the organization or its practices. Let's not be petty. Let's not fall into the trap of stigmatizing where you just condemn everything that comes from a particular source as bad or distasteful just because it's a source you disapprove of. True maturity means you're big enough to acknowledge whatever little good there may be that comes from your worst or most hated enemy.
Just to illustrate my point, I'll tell you a little story about a Caribbean nation called Grenada. Remember the US military operation in Grenada in 1983? In the late 1970s there was a coup there and a Marxist regime started a communist revolution that ultimately imploded violently in 1983. But during the time of the Marxist regime, Grenada became like a kind of protege of Cuba and to a lesser extent, the USSR. Lots of Grenadians were able to go to Cuban universities to study to become doctors, engineers, etc. And lots of skilled technicians from Cuba came to Grenada to help set up various industries like soap making and canning etc. They even started building the Island's first international airport which Reagan was worried would be used for military purposes. So there was a fair amount of technological and industrial investments made by Cuba and USSR to ensure that the Grenada revolution succeeded. Of course Cuba and USSR no doubt saw some strategic benefit for themselves in having Grenada as an ally due to its location.
But of course, living under a Marxist regime during the height of the cold war was not all good. There were abuses like imprisoning, torturing and sometimes killing dissenters or those suspected of covertly working with the CIA to undermine or topple the revolution. By late 1983 a festering division within the Marxist regime resulted in one of the two "joint leaders" being placed under house arrest by the other. Later he was freed by a large crowd of his protesting supporters who brought him to one of the forts which housed a large cache of arms and ammunition. A standoff ensued which lasted a few hours then culminated in a mini-massacre when APCs went up to the fort and someone fired the first shot igniting a firefight. Shortly after the firefight ended the freed "joint leader" and cabinet colleagues loyal to his faction were captured, tried and executed by firing squad on that fort. The other faction instituted a curfew and several days later US troops came in.
By this time you can imagine that the whole experience with Marxism was quite traumatizing to many Grenadians. Many of them had lost loved ones during the firefight. And the "joint leader" that was executed was the one that was more popular, charismatic and beloved by the people. Add to all of this the prevailing anti-communist sentiment that loomed at that time during the height of the cold war and you can imagine that many Grenadians developed a bit of an aversion to communism and this brings me to the salient point: What happened to all the factories and equipment that Cuba and Russia sent to Grenada?
They were stigmatized as being communist and abandoned, discarded, given away, etc. The bad experience they had with the Marxist regime - they stigmatized the factories and the equipment with it. These factories were basically just abandoned and so, industrially speaking, Grenada was no better off after the revolution than they were before. They threw out the baby with the bathwater, so to speak. Fortunately they didn't view the then unfinished international airport the same way. Ironically, the airport that Cubans were working on, and that Reagan was saying would be used for Russian fighter jets, was completed with the help of the very anti-communist, US.
Lesson: Do not stigmatize. Appreciate a spade as being a spade regardless of how you feel about its maker.